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Bulimia stories

Francesca shares her experience of how receiving an autism diagnosis has helped her in her recovery from bulimia.

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Jasmine shares her experience of bulimia recovery and how this journey has been one of growth, resilience, and self-discovery.

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You have to learn how to live again and, like with any lessons, you often have to fail to learn the best way or the right way...

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Living with Bulimia lifts the lid on the truth about eating disorders. Now we must reconsider the way we think about and treat them.

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Before being diagnosed as having bulimia, I was a happy teenager full of life and always loved going out. Before the diagnosis, I had no clue about eating disorders.

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Climbing mountains was often a metaphor for challenge and achievement – especially Everest – but not every challenge was proportional. Bulimia was a completely different mountain.

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Bulimia has been the devil on my shoulder for the best part of 25 years. This year is the first time I’ve stood up to the devil and said enough is enough.

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For many years I accessed online support for bulimia and was repeatedly told ‘recovery is always possible’. This felt really hollow to me. People kept telling me it was possible but not how it was possible.

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I guess my eating disorder began pretty generically. I had booked a girls’ holiday and didn’t want to feel uncomfortable in a bikini, so about six weeks before I was due to embark on a fun-filled week in the sun, the ‘holiday diet’ began.

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I am not the stereotypical eating disorder sufferer. I am overweight and middle aged, so therefore am I sure that I have bulimia? I have been asked this question many times and each time it hurts that little bit more.

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I was 12 years old when I first made myself sick. Looking back, I can’t remember why I did it, but I had no idea how quickly it would take over my life.

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Writing from a position of almost seven years symptom-free from my once old friend bulimia nervosa, and fully recovered, I read all these stories with such a tangible sadness. Everything described is so horribly familiar at the same time as feeling like a lifetime ago.

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