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Write a blog post for Beat

Interested in writing a blog post for Beat?

If you, or someone you know has been affected by an eating disorder, we'd love to hear your story.

We want our blog to be a positive space, encouraging recovery, helping people feel less alone, and tackling stigma and misunderstanding. We encourage you to write what’s important to you, but remember you are writing for an audience and consider what would be helpful for them to hear, too.

For more guidance on writing a blog for us, check out our guidelines.

Ready to share?

Just fill in your details and attach your blog below.

Blogs should be submitted as Word or PDF format.

Please note due a high rate of submissions, we are currently experiencing a delay in processing blogs, so please be patient if you do not hear from us for a while regarding yours. If you have any questions, you can get in touch via

Please use Word or PDF format
Feel free to remain anonymous if you would prefer.
If you are under 18 and would like your blog to be posted on our websites, we will need a signed consent form from your parent/carer/responsible adult.