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Downloads and Resources

Whether you’re living with an eating disorder or supporting a loved one — here’s what you need to know.

Self help

Reach out to your GP

Quick referrals make all the difference. Bring this to your first appointment and ask for specialist support. Printer friendly version here.

Binge eating disorder

If you’re struggling with BED, you’re not alone. Share this leaflet with your GP and get the support you deserve.

Distraction techniques

Dealing with difficult emotions? Here’s how you can distract yourself from eating disorder behaviours.

Supporting a loved one

Recovery is possible

All it takes is the right support — and it starts here.

Spot the warning signs

Early intervention increases chances of recovery. Use these tips to spot the early signs of an eating disorder.

Help for under 18s

Know a young person with an eating disorder? Use this guide to be there for them (and yourself).

Support with BED

Understanding binge eating disorder is the first step towards helping a loved one who struggles with it.

Helping you help them

Helping someone recover from an eating disorder is not easy. Help yourself help them with our guide.

Reading list

Check out our list of approved books about eating disorders and what recovery can look like

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