Here we’ll keep you up to date with news from Beat, new developments in the field of eating disorders. Use the drop-down filter below to search our categories.
Over the two days of our Frontline conference, we’ve been delighted to hear from people with a wealth of experience in eating disorders.
Throughout our Frontline conference, we looked at the ways eating disorders affect carers, as well as how they can support their loved one.
Beat are hosting a two-day conference designed for those caring for someone with an eating disorder in either a personal or professional capacity.
We found that on average, people were waiting for three-and-a-half years between their symptoms first emerging and treatment starting.
People with eating disorders face a three-and-a-half-year delay between falling ill and starting treatment.
We thank the BBC and Louis Theroux for taking a sensitive approach, and the individuals filmed for the programme, who very bravely shared their stories.
The findings of the CQC report published today confirming children and young people are still waiting too long to access mental health services are worrying.
The UK’s eating disorder charity, Beat, has presented a petition with 9,134 signatures to the Department of Health.
Researchers at KCL have developed an online training programme designed to provide information, skills & support to carers of people with anorexia.
We’re pleased to support campaigner Natasha Devon in pushing for responsible reporting on mental illness through a new mental health Charter.
The 10 October is World Mental Health Day, an international event that aims to encourage discussion about mental health issues.
For 2017, the focus of World Mental Health Day is mental health in the workplace.