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Your Stories

Read the latest blogs on eating disorders. Written by our supporters, they cover real life experiences including recovery.

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All stories

Our supporter Katie tells the story of how her relationship with her sister was affected by her sibling's eating disorder

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This A-Levels results day, our supporter Libby-Mae reflects on her return to education after recovering from an eating disorder.

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Beat supporters Georgia and Sally share their top tips for managing summer in recovery from an eating disorder

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Helen challenged herself to run the Leeds Marathon to raise money for Beat, raising an incredible £300!

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our amazing fundraiser 'granny Sandra' shares her incredible story, walking to raise money for Beat eating disorder support

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Our supporter Lewis shares his story - navigating recovering from an eating disorder, moving country and becoming a model

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Shaun hosted an epic twelve hour video game fundraiser to help raise awareness and money for eating disorder support

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Our supporter Katie reflects on her brave experience of recovering from an eating disorder while starting university.

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Our amazing fundraiser Maddie talks all thing three peaks challenge...

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Artist & upcycler Miranda launched a limited edition t-shirt to raise money for Beat this Mental Health Awareness Week.

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This disability pride month, Jess shares her tips for your next GP visit, to help get the support you deserve

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Our supporter Elisha shares her reflections on her journey to recovery - and why it's a road worth taking

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