A draft 10-year Mental Health strategy for Northern Ireland has been published as part of a public consultation. This is an important opportunity to help shape plans for eating disorder services and other Health and Social Care services across Northern Ireland.
Beat will be submitting a response to the consultation. We would very much like to hear your views and experiences, so that we can reflect this in what we say to the Government about their plan. The more input we have from people with lived experience, the stronger our response will be. If you would like to help us by sharing your views and experiences, please complete one of the surveys below.
As the official government consultation includes a lot of questions, we decided to create two surveys including a short (10-15 mins) version. If you are able to complete the ‘full’ survey that would be even more helpful.
Please choose from the two options:
Both surveys will close on Thursday 18 March.
If you’ve got some more time you could also submit your own response directly to the Northern Ireland Executive. You can do this here. The deadline for this is 26 March.