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Beat's view on the government’s green paper

In December, the UK Government published a green paper containing a series of proposals aimed at improving the support available to children and young people in schools, colleges and mental health services in England.

The Government carried out a consultation on these proposals during the winter and early spring and we encouraged our supporters to have their say by completing the Government’s online survey. We completed that survey too, and also sent them a document containing our full response to the proposals.

To help us write our response, we sought and received feedback on the green paper’s proposals from seven Beat volunteers who each have had personal experience of an eating disorder.

We were pleased by the green paper’s focus on early intervention and its recognition of the important role that schools and colleges can play in early identification, support and referral to specialist treatment. Its main proposals have the potential, if fully funded and carefully implemented, to significantly improve the support available to children and young people with an eating disorder.

The main points we raised in our response were:

The Government will publish the outcome of the consultation soon and we will let you know when they do so. This will include more detail on the plans it set out in the green paper and how they will be implemented.

As the Government puts these new initiatives in place, we at Beat will do all we can to ensure that the needs of people affected by eating disorders are fully accounted for. 

Read what we said in our full response here