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Coping With Celebrations: Christmas

We know that celebrations can be challenging. This course for carers is designed to help you support your loved one to feel more in control and less overwhelmed, so that family and friends are able to enjoy celebrations together.

Our Coping with Christmas programme comprises:

The short e-learning module will look at why the holidays can be a stressful time for someone with an eating disorder, explain strategies to plan for the day and how you can practice self-care around the festive period.

The workshop will be an opportunity for you to consolidate your learning from POD, explore coping strategies in more detail and hear from other families affected by eating disorders. There will also be an opportunity to speak to someone who has fully recovered from an eating disorder, or from an experienced carer.

A photo of snowman on an icy landscape, with a yellow scarf and a black hat and a large smile with a sunset in the background

Book a Coping with Celebrations Workshop

Sign up to POD, our e-learning platform, to book onto a Coping With Celebrations: Christmas workshop. We currently have very limited availability so if you have issues booking a space, please do email the training team on or call us on 01925 912829.