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Dr Jacinta Tan

Dr Jacinta Tan

Jacinta was a child and adolescent general and eating disorder psychiatrist, clinical academic and medical ethicist. She did ground-breaking research on capacity in anorexia nervosa, where she described the impact of anorexia nervosa on personal identity and values. Jacinta conducted the Welsh Government’s Eating Disorder Service Review in 2018, and also co-ran the Scottish Government’s Eating Disorder Service Review with two Scottish colleagues in March 2021. Now disabled by Long Covid and medically retired, Jacinta has taken this as an opportunity to develop My Lighthouse: Explore©, an innovative, entirely remote sole entrepreneur business offering a non-medical creative self-discovery programme to people who have had an eating disorder or any emotional struggles. Jacinta’s life and work has been featured on BBC Radio 4 and BBC World Service in The Life Scientific which can be found at and respectively.