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Welsh Government seeks views on draft plan

The Welsh Government wants to hear your views on their draft ‘Together for Mental Health delivery plan 2019 – 2022’. Members of the public, service users, carers and organisations can submit their feedback online by 30 August 2019.

The consultation covers priority areas, including:

The plan also sets out actions to improve data collection, develop a sustainable workforce, consider changes to legislation and improve access to Welsh language provision in mental health services, which will need to continue beyond 2022.

This consultation is your chance to use your experiences to help shape the way Welsh mental health services are delivered in the future. If you’d like to take part in the consultation you can submit your own feedback here.

You can also help with Beat’s response. Beat will be calling for the publication of the ‘Welsh Eating Disorder Service Review’ report, which was commissioned last year by the Welsh Government, and for the Government to accept and agree to begin implementation of its recommendations across all of Wales as soon as possible.

Beat’s response will also highlight the importance of:

This consultation is your chance to use what you have learnt through your experiences to help shape the way that Welsh mental health services are delivered in the future. If you’d like to take part in the consultation you can submit your own feedback here. The consultation closes on 30 August.  

If you’d like to provide input for Beat’s consultation response, please contact our National Officer for Wales, Jo Whitfield, by emailing by the 26 August.